Online courses
for children and adults
Be able to speak German within the first month of being taught by the native speakers
We will create for you a personal strategy considering your knowledge of German, set aims, choose the course, and get started
The main teacher – Lina Embacher
and get
a 10 percent discount
sign up for a free lesson
is a project which helps everybody in studying alive, relevant German language and extremely approaches to the traditions, the mindset of German-speaking countries and nations. We are located in the heart of Austria, in the cultural capital of the world – in Vienna.
Emsi Skills
We help to reach the result in a easy form using methods and techniques of leading international schools
We give you 80 % of the material through speech practice
We study language topics using relatable examples that you will be interested in
We know all the relevant features of the international exams
We develop all kinds of speech at an extremely high pace
We help to get a high score in each part of the exam
We work on a flexible schedule
We prepare for international exams Goethe-Zertifikat, Test DaF, ÖSD
We will find problematic topics in German and bring them to perfection
We will prepare for the exams for obtaining visas, citizenship, work and communication with native speakers
From zero we will raise the level of speaking skills for a comfortable journey
Come to study with us if you:
Do you want to get to know the German language better?
Watch a free practical lesson about articles to listen to the sounding of the language and to meet the manner of teaching
What awaits you:
Individual plan-route
Free live broadcasts
Online meetings for practicing a foreign language
Workbooks for working by yourself
Homework is checked by a tutor
Motivation program and personal support
• Listening
• Reading
• Writing
• Speaking
Links to useful resources for extension of knowledge of German
• Tracker for effective learning
• Monitoring the progress
Invited speakers – native speakers
Using methods and techniques to study language faster
Online graduation
Your results after studying:
During the studying we make an emphasis on practice and work for the result, we teach to think in German and speak fluently on any topic
You will have no difficulties with adaption in case of moving to a German-speaking country
You will be able to watch films and read books in the original
You will start to work with German-speaking companies
You will start to use German in communication without making mistakes
Pass the exam for 90+ points like our other students
You will be able to enter the best educational institutions of the world
Choose the perfect course for you
Course price «Grammatikkampf»
Star Superstar
9 online webinars-trainings
1 practice
30 tasks - all of them are divided
into 4 kinds of speech activities
Test tasks with automatic check
Listening task – score without comments
presents at the end of the course and online graduation
9 online webinars-trainings
1 practice
30 tasks - all of them are divided
into 4 kinds of speech activities
Test tasks with automatic check
Speaking tasks with comments from native speakers in order to improve your pronunciation
+ 15 exercises with checking and comments by a tutor
Listening tasks in exam form Goethe Zertifikat/ÖSD
Reading tasks in exam form Goethe Zertifikat/ÖSD
+ presents at the end of the course and online graduation
9 online webinars-trainings
1 practice
30 tasks - all of them are divided
into 4 kinds of speech activities
Test tasks with automatic check
Speaking tasks with comments from native speakers in order to improve your pronunciation
+ 15 exercises with checking and comments by a tutor
Listening tasks in exam form Goethe Zertifikat/ÖSD
Reading tasks in exam form Goethe Zertifikat/ÖSD
+ Cliché for letters A1 for an exam
+ 1 personal task for creating a plan for studying
+ 5 tasks with checking by a tutor
+ A workbook and a planner
+ A list with resources for self-studying
+ Picture dictionary
presents at the end of the course and online graduation
You can learn individually with Lina
With individual learning, we build courses according to your goals
Book the first free consultation hour, after which you will receive the first individual curriculum
На уроке определим Ваши цели, подберем индивидуальные пути совершенствования и проверим Ваши навыки письма, чтения, аудирования и говорения.

Перед бронированием необходимо пройти мини-опрос, для того, чтобы занятие прошло действительно полезно и продуктивно, а не просто в формате знакомства
Will be available soon:
Goethe A1 Zertifikat
Goethe B1 Zertifikat
Goethe B1 Zertifikat
ÖSD B1 Integrationsprüfung
ÖSD B1 Integrationsprüfung
Aren’t you sure which tariff or course you should choose?
Sign up for a free consultation to know answers for your questions and to realize which course is 100% appropriate exactly for you
My name is Vasilina Embacher - I have been teaching German for 10 years
I am constantly developing my skills: I take courses and internships
I have a certificate of the Goethe Institute to the level of German language proficiency C2
I constantly interact with native speakers, since I have an Austrian family
I know all the nuances of international exams: my students pass exams for 70+ points
I conduct tutoring for people of different ages, I can build individual strategies and plans to reach the desired goal
Сотрудничала с:
You will be taught by native speakers
We are a team of teachers from Austria. Everyone can learn German with us
We don’t learn the language; we learn to feel it and to work with it. Our common aim is to form as many grammar skills as possible, and these skills will work for you.
What makes our approach special?
We will realize a complex approach and develop 4 KINDS OF SPEECH ACTIVITES
What students say about us:
Of course, I've only just started to learn the language, but I was still able to explain everything in German at passport control at the airport in Germany, order my food in a café and all without the help of an interpreter. Highest grade.
My goal was to prepare for the Goethe Institute A1 exam in two and a half months. Result - the test is passed at 91 points. My level was zero and the result was achieved by practicing twice a week. I recommend Vasilina. She's a very good teacher
Milyausha Safiullina
Video reviews:
Всем привет! Меня зовут Ясан. Я прошел обучение в ЭмсиСкиллс. Раньше у меня не получалось выучить грамматику и заговорить на этом языке. Здесь же я все понял так быстро, очень легко и общение было таким легким для меня. Я сейчас свободнее говорю. Хочу сказать спасибо Лине за то, что поддерживала нас, дала старт к изучению нового языка. Лина заставляет говорить всех и дает правильный путь, маршрут, как изучать
We have tried to answer all of your questions
What is the form of learning?
You will learn online
How will a free consultation be organized?
Sign up for a free online meeting

First, you need to click a link to fill in the Google form

The consultation includes:
1 stage - introduction
2 stage – test of your level
3 stage – help with problem topics
Will I be able to take part in your courses
if I don’t have any knowledge of German?

Yes, we give you an opportunity to study individually or to choose our course. It depends on your purpose.
Which equipment will I need to take part in the course?
Stable Internet connection, a phone, a tablet, or a laptop.
You don’t need to buy anything else.
You will be supplied with all the necessary materials and textbooks.

As an addition: you need Gmail
What is the form of learning?
You will learn online
How will a free consultation be organized?
Sign up for a free online meeting

First, you need to click a link to fill in the Google form

The consultation includes:
1 stage - introduction
2 stage – test of your level
3 stage – help with problem topics
Will I be able to take part in your courses
if I don’t have any knowledge of German?
Yes, we give you an opportunity to study individually or to choose our course. It depends on your purpose.
Which equipment will I need to take part in the course?
Stable Internet connection, a phone, a tablet, or a laptop.
You don’t need to buy anything else.
You will be supplied with all the necessary materials and textbooks.

As an addition: you need Gmail
Ask a question
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